Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Central KY Celtic Fest and Highland Games

On September 18th and 19th, we went to the Central Kentucky Celtic Fest and Highland Games. It was a very small affair held at their Renaissance Festival grounds and rather poorly attended. However, we had a great time anyway.

When we arrived midmorning, we were greeted with the sound of a pipes and drum band. That put me in the spirit right away! Afterward, we checked out some of the excellently priced vendors and had some Queen’s Tea (mead and cider mix) at the pub.

We enjoyed some of the heavy athletics, including the caber toss, the weight toss, and the sheaf toss.

We had lunch and enjoyed an encounter with a horseman who rode his two horses by standing on their backs.  

We also met several people in full Renaissance Fair regalia, even though this was not a Renaissance-themed event.

We schmoozed some of the musicians who would perform later in the day; the festival was so small I had three separate people ask me later if I was with the band. We watched an impromptu performance of highland dancers on a small stage. 

We closed the evening by listening to great Celtic rockers Mother Grove, followed by one of my favorite bands of all time, The Killdares. They put on an amazing show, though it was a disappointingly small crowd.

The next day was a repeat of the first – pub, athletics, music. It was a surprisingly small event; if not for The Killdares I might not have ever gone, or return. Still, it was a stellar weekend and a great chance to get intimate with highly talented people.

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